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Healing in All Forms
January 29, 2014

Featured Affirmation:

I am willing to embrace my healing.


“Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and there is going to be a way through it.” –Michael J. Fox

"Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns." —Anne Lamott

“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” - Rainer Maria Rilke

Healing in All Forms

On October 7, 2013, I was wheeled into the operating room. This was something I had tried desperately to avoid. I did not want to have a kidney transplant.

I wanted to heal myself. I wanted my body to go back to the way it was – before kidney failure, before kidney infections, before I was ever sick. I wanted this all to happen miraculously: fall asleep ill, wake-up healed. I wanted to get out of this messy human nonsense and back to the health and wholeness I believed was my birthright.

It was not to be so...and that was the best thing that could have happened.

Instead of an instantaneous miracle, I was taught lessons about acceptance, compassion, generosity, and resilience. I got to be in the thick of the human experience complete with joy, tears, fear and abundance.

Things do not always go our way, but that does not mean that healing is not present. It just may not look the way you had hoped. Twenty-four hours after surgery, my kidney function was back to normal. The thing I had hoped, prayed and begged to avoid provided the health I was seeking.

I indeed went to sleep ill and woke-up healed.

When we become attached to the way our good comes to us, we limit ourselves. Instead approach life with arms open wide. You may find that you not only get what you are seeking, but much more than you could have ever dreamed of.

My generous donor was my astounding husband. He is doing well too. I will never know sweetness like holding the hand of the man I love shuffling around the transplant unit of the hospital after he has saved my life.

Life has something amazing in store for you. Have the confidence and faith to embrace it – keep in mind that it may just look like something you’re trying desperately to avoid.

Read the extended version of our transplant journey at the blog:

Journal Exercise

What do I need to let go of in order to allow good to flow my way?

Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Strategies
for Women Coping with the Stress of Illness

“I highly recommend Chronic Resilience, not only to those who suffer from chronic illness but to those who love them. Danea Horn promises that her book will help the chronically ill become care givers to themselves, and she delivers – magnificently. People with chronic illness need concrete tools for learning how to live with grace and purpose despite their difficult circumstances. This book offers those tools. It describes in detail ten practical guidelines for managing the stress and challenges of illness. Exercises are included so that readers can make each guideline their own and learn to incorporate it into their everyday lives. In addition, Ms. Horn not only shares her personal experiences working with these practical tools (which feels like chatting with an old friend), but also includes intimate conversations with nine other women who suffer from chronic illness. This book will help you transform the stress of chronic illness into a life of acceptance, purpose, and gratitude. It’s a gem.” -Toni Bernhard, author of How to be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and their Caregivers

Available now at:

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Looking for a presenter?

I am in the process of booking speaking engagements for 2014. If you have a group that needs a speaker, you can learn more about my Chronic Resilience Seminars and Keynotes as well as read testimonials at my website:


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