Top 25 Networking Tips To Ensure Success

Creating and growing your network can be overwhelming. Here are 25 ways to confidently increase your connections and grow your business and/or career. You do not need to pursue each technique to be successful. Choose the ones that resonate with you and put your full energy and focus on those. Remember, others are just as interested in making a connection as you are, and they may also be just as nervous.
  1. Set a goal for each networking event. (i.e. Meet 5 people, secure a resource, meet the event host and/or speaker, offer something of value to 3 people, etc...)handshake

  2. Create an achievable action plan to expand your network.

  3. Use your networking time efficiently. Be selective about networking events, and focus on connecting with the people that can have a big impact in your business/career.

  4. Know what resources and/or connections will be most impactful to grow your business and/or career.

  5. Volunteer at conferences and networking events.  Even better, serve on a networking committee. 

  6. Look at all of your networks (i.e Alumni, social networking, church, service organizations, family, friends, …) to find ways you are connected to someone you want to meet.

  7. Ask people to coffee or lunch for informational interviews.
  1. Ignore fears and pick up the phone to request an opportunity to network.

  2. Approach and recruit a “connector” at networking events to introduce you to others and/or the speaker.  Next step is to BE a connector.

  3. Leverage your existing network to meet ‘influencers’ in your industry.

  4. Treat a networking event like a job interview.  Arrive on time, rested, and prepared to talk about your business or career aspirations. 

  5. Know clearly what you or your business is about. What is your mission? Values? Goals? Products? Talents? Specialty?

  6. Go alone. Bringing a friend for moral support is tempting, but it may prevent you from meeting others.

  7. Play the part. Even if you feel nervous, step out of your comfort zone and pretend to be confident.

  8. Make helping others your first goal in networking; always ask how you can help before asking for what you need.
  1. Look for connections outside your industry to diversify your growing network. You never know who may be able to provide a valuable resource.
  1. Start a conversation with a compliment.

  2. Do your research before you initiate contact or follow-up contact. Know the person’s business and why a connection with them could be beneficial for you both.

  3. Focus on sharing vs. selling. The person you meet may not be your new client, but they may be able to connect you with one.

  4. Be ready to request or offer a resource when the opportunity presents itself, for you or someone you are connected with.

  5. Strengthen your memory to know who is connected to whom, how they are connected and what each person in your network offers.
  1. If you feel overwhelmed, pick three networking relationship to cultivate.  Leverage those three connections to expand your network.

  2. Track results, including time, profit, clients, referrals and other attained resources, successful and not so successful.

  3. Do what you love to do. Join a meetup group, gym, dance troop, meditation group, cooking class, photography club, etc... You will create a network of people who you immediately have a connection with. Networking does not always have to be done through business-oriented events.

  4. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up, and then follow-up some more.
Interested in learning more and putting together an action plan? Join Danea Horn & Sarah Noyes for a networking seminar intensive. Click here for information & registration.