Positive Affirmations Overivew

This is the cliff-notes version of the main articles about positive affirmations on this site. More detailed explanations can be found by clicking on the links in selected bullets. If you have not used positive affirmations before, this is what it is all about:

  • Know what you believe. Make a list. Think about your past and how that has influenced your view of the present. It is our beliefs that influence our thoughts, habits and actions.

  • Look over your list of beliefs; which ones are no longer serving you? Which beliefs are no longer true? Acknowledge your negative beliefs and replace them with their life-affirming opposites.

  • Affirmations are positive statements used to confirm how we want to be in the world. They are a way to strengthen new patterns of thought and habits that will lead us toward our goals. Affirmations are typically one or two sentences long.

  • Use affirmations to remind yourself of beliefs, habits and motivation that you want to live from. The repetition of affirmations can actually physically change the neural connections in your mind.

  • The most important key with affirmations is that they feel true for you. If you feel “fake” or like you are lying to yourself when you say affirmations, you are; in fact, you are affirming the opposite of what you’ve intended to. Add the words “choose,” “potential,” or “willing” to an affirmation to help it ring true. It is important to meet our beliefs where they are currently at.

  • Write, or find, affirmations that are easy to remember and in your tone of voice.

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  • Keep positive affirmations positive. Using negative words will make you feel negative feelings. That is counterproductive. Use strong, emotive, positive words.
  • Affirmations work best when they are in present tense. present tense. Say them as if they are true in your life right now, today, at this exact moment.

  • Use meditation, relaxation or the moments before you go to sleep to open your subconscious to the ideas presented in your affirmations.

  • Visualization can engage your emotions deeply in your affirmations. Feeling is the key to generating enough energy to change reality. Smiling is also a powerful way to create deep feeling.

  • Know 100% that results are on the way that you have the power and will to positively impact your life. This is the main pitfall pitfall people find themselves in. They believe strongly when they say their affirmations, but then replace those feelings with doubt right afterward.

  • Be grateful. Notice the blessings around you now. Recognize small wins and the beginnings of your manifestations with thanks.

  • Know that changing your thought patterns and habits is a journey. Continually read and experiment with new ways of being in the world. Know that you are human and that you will take steps forward, and backward from time to time. The stronger your commitment to growth is, the more certain it is that you will reach your goals.

  • If you are new to affirmations or are unsure about using them, read Affirmation Myths Exposed.
  • Return from Positive Affirmations Overview to All About Affirmations

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